Black Paint color is gaining continuous popularity because of its boldness and distinctive feature looks. But it has found the space in the bedroom too slowly, that too for its versatile and midcentury vibes.

If you are thinking of painting all walls of your room with black color without bringing out the balance in your room, the last thing you want is to make the room full of darkness and a horror space instead of bringing the midcentury feel by black bedroom wall.

Tricorn black paint is worth trying in the bedroom? Yes, tricorn black can add its true and magical color and feel when you pair it nicely and perfectly with other accessories in your room.

Keep reading to learn more about the tricorn black bedroom walls. In this post, we have covered 21 tricorn black bedroom walls with a midcentury theme to help you select one or a few for your bedroom.

1. Tricorn True Black in The Bedroom

The true black color has no undertones of other colors like brown or blue, which makes it a true and perfect black shade. True black’s reflectance value is considered zero, making it bold and dark. This color is a perfect pick-up to add a dramatic touch to your bedroom, cabinets, shelves, or cupboards. It also goes well with the modern farmhouse themes and interiors.

The walls, doors, or whatever you will paint with the true black color will be unexpectedly fantastic. It will smartly gain the attention of visitors and guests, and they cannot hold themselves back when it comes to giving compliments.

Tricorn True Black in The Bedroom

2. Black Paint on Porch Doors

This black porch theme is suitable if your bedroom has a porch or transparent doors, creating space for other smaller private sections. Paint the door porch or frames in the tricorn black color, as shown in the image by Dabbling decorating. The transparent glass or material of the door will automatically add a contrasting touch to your bedroom.

You can pair or compliment the look by relocating your furniture towards the porch doors. Keep the furniture covers in neutral shades to eliminate tricorn black and white. Keep the bedcovers in neutral hues and incorporate the tricorn Iron Ore black color in the floor rug as an abstract or texture look to bring mid-century vibes to your bedroom.

Black Paint on Porch Doors

3. Big Art Against Black Bedroom Wall

To add the midcentury feel with the true tricorn black paint color, you can add contrasting elements that complement the presence of the black bedroom wall and make it stunningly outstanding. For instance, here, the Big art in white background color completely pairs up with the contrasting vibes of true tricorn black paint color.

Here the art is about the Highland cow, and you can use any specific art piece in place of this according to your comfort and choice. The neutral accents of the bedroom, like the ceiling and floor, will balance out the true tricorn black paint walls. You can also use neutral or high-contrasting bed covers to balance the bedroom.

Big Art Against Black Bedroom Wall

4. Monochromatic Abstract Art

If you don’t want to add creativity and looking for minimal art piece ideas, then incorporating the monochromatic abstract art painted with the tricorn black color is worth it. Keep the art border in tricorn black color. Balance the art with contrasting colors like tricorn black with white or neutral hues of beige and white.

Depending upon the space in your bedroom wall, you can use two or three such art pieces in smaller sizes or incorporate one big monochromatic abstract art on a particular bedroom wall. This theme goes well with all bedroom wall colors, making the most suitable choice while incorporating the tricorn black color in the bedroom.

Monochromatic Abstract Ar

5. Narrow Black Bedroom Wall Portion

To add a unique style to your bedroom, you can create the look of a narrow hallway in one of your bedroom walls, as shown in the image by Theverestplace. To create this look, simply paint the narrow zone of one wall with the tricorn black paint from the ceiling to the floor, making it the black bedroom wall. You can convert this narrow wall look into an art gallery wall by incorporating the art that has white borders to add contrast or decorate it with other accessories.

You can also try this on one of the smaller walls in the length of your bedroom by painting a narrow zone with the tricorn black color. This will work well if you have curtains on that wall to cover the side areas, creating the illusion of a narrow hallway.

Narrow Black Bedroom Wall Portion

6. Tricorn Black Metal Wall Decor

If you are not fond of art and looking for alternatives, wall decors are worth trying. So please pick up the metal wall decors already in the tricorn black color, or paint them later with the tricorn black paint to bring the mid-century fell and black beauty to your bedroom wall. Depending on your preferences, you can use two-dimensional or three-dimensional black metal wall decor pieces.

To add more tricorn black accents, you can incorporate multiple black metal wall decor pieces. These tricorn black wall metal decor pieces look perfect for white bedroom walls. You can also incorporate them into the ceiling of your bedroom.

Tricorn Black Metal Wall Decor

7. Tricorn Black Cabinet Accent

If you want to add a slight touch of Tricorn black in your bedroom, use it as the accent on cabinets and big design contrasts. For instance, the tricorn black color is used to paint the cabinets and highlight the mirror by painting the borders in tricorn black. You can do this in your bedroom by painting big furniture like a storage almirah, the main dressing mirror frame, the windows frame, and the border of art pieces if the walls are contrasting or neutral.

To add contrast and balance shine, you can use the brass color to paint the knobs and handles of the almirah or cabinets and the back handles of lights with brass or silver shining paint color.

Tricorn Black Cabinet Accent

8. Built-In Living Room Shelves

If your home interior or room interior is in the farmhouse style, you can easily incorporate the tricorn color by painting the shelves. For instance, as shown here in this image from Sky Ridge Farmhouse, the black color paint is in the balance amount. The built-in shelves around the Firestone place are polished with tricorn black paint that is in true black color.

The wooden frame nicely adds neutral accents to balance the black beauty around the fireplace. If there is a firestone or a similar setup like the firestone place surrounding your bedroom area, you can easily incorporate and utilize this idea in your bedroom.

Built-In Living Room Shelves

9. Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black Bedroom Wall

SW 6258 is close enough to the true black color and can add much more to your black bedroom walls. Some people claim it to be true black, but it is slightly fainter than the true black color. The light reflectance value of Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black is considered as 3, which is known as the blackest black.

This timeless and versatile color makes it so beautiful and popular that people take it to their bedrooms to add accents or paint major areas like doors, windows, and cabinets. The SW tricorn black color offers a neutral characteristic making it a good fit to paint the major portions of the bedroom, like the black bedroom wall.

Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black Bedroom Wall

10. Tricorn Black Bed Pillows

If you are looking for the most affordable option to incorporate the tricorn black beauty in your bedroom, the bed pillows are the one thing to consider. Change the covers of the bed pillows in the tricorn black. Keep the monochromatic covers to add a magical look, and the texture will automatically reflect if you use the textured fabric, which will also go well with the bed and bedroom.

If just pillow colors are insufficient and you want to add more tricorn black touch, incorporate the tricorn color in the bed covers and bedsheets too. In this case, you have to keep the thing in the surroundings in neutral hues like wooden tables or furniture and rugs, in neutral hues.

Tricorn Black Bed Pillows

11. Black Bedroom Door

Tricorn black is worth applying on the doors if you want to add the touch of curb and bold appeal. You can paint the front door of your bedroom or even the inside and back side part for a beautiful touch that makes you feel the midcentury vibes when you enter the bedroom. The versatile feel will balance the room with its vibes.

This color will go well with your bedroom door if your exterior walls are painted with a bright color or neutral tones of beige or gray. You can balance the door by painting the knobs and handles with brass or silver. You can also decorate it with the Wrath of bright followers to add a creative touch.

Black Bedroom Door

12. Black Shiplap Accent Wall

If you have a fireplace or treasure chest in your bedroom, you can add a touch of tricorn black paint to it and the nearby surrounding areas. However, this color creates stunning vibes when you paint the vertical shiplap panel areas around the fireplace or treasure chest of your bedroom or living room. The ceiling height in the tricorn panel will draw attention towards itself, as shown here in this image by 25thandbrick.

You can pair this color well with contrasting and neutral colors. Like when the bedroom walls are white, and the floor is in neutral hues, the black shiplap in tricorn back pain will find its way to gain attention and balance the room vibes simultaneously.

Black Shiplap Accent Wall

13. Grid Style Gallery Black Bedroom Wall

Sherwin William tricorn Black is the perfect choice if you want to paint one complete wall of your bedroom with the black color. The color will be versatile and timeless when you decorate a grid-style art gallery on the black bedroom wall and convert it into a grid-style black-painted wall.

The beige or neutral color borders of the art gallery will perfectly complement the presence of a tricorn black paint wall, and it will also not look odd with all-black vibes. You can also paint more than one wall of your bedroom with Sherwin Williams tricorn black as far as your balance to the other walls like this grid art gallery wall.

Grid Style Gallery Black Bedroom Wall

14. Refinished Tricorn Black Dresser

You can repaint your bedroom’s dresser with the tricorn black color to incorporate the mid-century vibes. This incorporation will bring the touch of the modern era. To balance the bedroom walls and areas, use golden accents to look traditional and royal. This will balance modern and traditional looks creating midcentury vibes and feelings in your bedroom.

This will work wonder if your walls are in neutral hues like beige or pale coral, as shown in the image from The Vintage Farmhouse. Add congrats and creativity with the help of a dressing mirror, paint the frame with golden accents, and use a shape and size like oval or rectangular according to the space and your preferences.

Refinished Tricorn Black Dresser

15. Black Blackout Curtains

If your bedroom already has nice and fresh paint accents of neutral hues, you wouldn’t like to paint it again to add the tricorn black magic. So how will you bring the magic of black beauty and a mid-century feel? It is simple. Use the tricorn black curtains to add the magical touch you want. You can incorporate tricorn back curtains for doors and windows.

To add more, you can utilize the tricorn black magic by creating the black panel headboard behind your bed. This idea is affordable and needs your last effort. You only need to bring the black tricorn curtains and install them in your bedroom.

Black Blackout Curtains

16. Tricorn Iron Ore Black Paint Walls

Sherwin William 7069 Iron Ore is a shade of black but not truly black. This color is beautiful on its own, but it has undertones of brown color. The Iron Ore black color emanates the charcoal felt. Compared to the tricorn truly black color, the Iron Ore tricorn is slightly fainter because of the addition of brown undertones.

So if you want to paint the entire bedroom walls bold and dark, Iron Ore Tricorn black is a great choice. As it is not completely truly black, it will keep the charcoal magic emanating the black color feels too.

Tricorn Iron Ore Black Paint Walls

17. Bedroom Headboard

You can use tricorn black paint on the wall behind the bed to add black beauty to your bedroom. Either paint the full wall like a big headboard or create a specific part on the wall behind the bed as the headboard and paint it with the tricorn black color; if you have neutral bed covers, pillow covers, and rugs, it will look stunning apart from the midcentury feel and vibes.

For instance, here is the view of the bedroom entrance from the hallway, where you can see the black color of the headboard. The tricorn black color will go well as the bedroom headboard if your walls are painted in neutral hues or gray or beige tones.

Bedroom Headboard

18. Tricorn Black Bedroom Rug

To add a dramatic touch to your bedroom and incorporate the mid-century feeling, you can utilize the geometric monochromatic rug in tricorn black color. For contrast and drama, pick up the rug with white color added as the accent while creating the geometric patterns in the rug.

This tricorn black rug idea goes well if you also paint your room’s ceiling in bold and dark colors like tricorn black charcoal or any other deep color. Balance the room theme with bright and contrasting colors like white and light red accents. Incorporating the tricorn rug is the most portable, and it is an effortless idea.

Tricorn Black Bedroom Rug

19. Tricorn Black Bedroom Walls

If you don’t mind using all the deep and bold tones on all four side walls of your bedroom, don’t hesitate to use the Tricorn black or Tricorn Iron Ore black paint on all four walls. To balance the black bedroom wall look, paint the ceiling a contrasting color, like white.

Also, keep the window or door curtains white to add contrast. Keep the floor neutral or add a creative touch with the traditional rugs. Keep the bedcovers and sheets in sand or earthy sand to zone out and perfectly match the black color vibes with the neutral hues. You can use the wooden accents to add creativity to your bedroom’s tricorn black paint wall.

Tricorn Black Bedroom Walls

20. Modern Farmhouse Bedroom

If your home interior is like a modern farmhouse or you want to add the touch of a modern farmhouse bedroom, this idea is for you. You can paint a complete wall that holds the upholstered headboard in one wall of your bedroom, as shown here in the image by My House from scratch.

If there is already an upholstered headboard, simply paint it in the tricorn black color by keeping the wall white to add a smaller amount of tricorn black to your bedroom. Also, paint the counterparts of furniture in your bedroom with the tricorn black paint. Keep the rest of the bedrooms in white color to add contrast. Pair the white and neutral hues with the bedcovers and sheets.

Modern Farmhouse Bedroom

21. Feminine Bedroom

What can be better than this feminine theme if you want creativity, feminine vibes, a midcentury feel, and a nice bedroom look? The feminine bedroom with the batten wall and the black headboard is trying. As shown here in the image from My Boho Farmhouse, The look is perfect for the farmhouse-style interior or bedroom. Paint the bedroom headboard with the tricorn black color. Add the black accent of the tricorn in the metal items like stools or chairs.

Bring the creativity of the Batton wall by covering it with bedroom walls with different colors. Apart from the headboard area, use the wallpaper on the above zone to add a touch of creativity. Bring the balance in the room with white and neutral hues. Keep the bedroom door white, antique pieces white, and bedcovers in white color. Use neutral hues on the bed and floor.

Feminine Bedroom

Final Thoughts

Everybody wants to create interesting and versatile vibes in their bedroom, and the touch of midcentury feel with the Tricon beauty is just a bonus. Pairing up the Tricorn black paint with the contrasting colors and hues of the other things in the room is the right way to get there.

This post showed you 21 tricorn black bedrooms with a midcentury feel that can help you to transform the whole look of your bedroom and vibes too. We have covered from the tricorn black bedroom wall to art pieces, from the headboards to black bedroom wall decor pieces, from painting the door in tricorn black to the floor pieces, and much more, to give a wide variety of ideas so that you can easily pick up one of two or even multiple themes to incor[poarey in your bedroom to make it more timeless and midcentury feel.

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Andrew Harris

Andrew Harris, a distinguished alumnus of the Pratt Institute with a degree in Interior Design, has guided our readers in room-specific design since 2021. His 16 years of experience encompass residential and commercial design, focusing on creating customized spaces that reflect individual personalities. Before his current role, Andrew worked with several renowned architectural firms. Andrew has received several design awards for his innovative use of space and materials. His interests include historical architecture and practicing landscape painting.

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