Who are we?
A Community Development Group for the East Lake Community.
P.E.E.R., Inc. (Promoting Empowerment and Enrichment Resources) is a community development group designed to draw resources and provide information and education concerning existing resources to the South East Lake neighborhood. Our objectives include:
- Community health initiatives
- Partnerships with the area schools, businesses, churches, and civic clubs to increase access to resources
- Promotion of economic development and revitalization of homes and businesses
In many ways, the East Lake neighborhood is a resource-rich and information-poor area. Our hope is to work together with the "anchor" agencies and institutions in the area - libraries, churches, hospitals, banks, etc. - to connect people with the resources they need. As our name implies, our goal is to work with people, allowing those in the community to state their needs and help develop ways to increase access to and information about needed resources. Our objectives are vitally important strategies to reach our larger goal of building and stabilizing community. As we work together with residents and leaders in the neighborhood, new connections will be made across traditional, territorial barriers and we will gain new strength and envision new possibilities.